Menopause treatment Freehold, NJ - Balance Hormone Clinic

Overview of Menopause

Menopause is a natural transition that typically occurs between the ages of 45 and 55 when a woman's ovaries stop producing the hormones estrogen and progesterone. As estrogen levels decline, women may experience symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood changes, sleep disturbances, and joint pain.

Hormone therapy can provide relief by replacing the hormones that the body is no longer making. When initiated close to menopause, hormone therapy has been shown to effectively treat symptoms, while also providing protective benefits for the brain, bones and heart.

Diagnosing Menopause

Getting an accurate diagnosis is the first step in developing an optimal treatment approach. At Balance Hormone Clinic, we offer advanced hormone testing to measure levels of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and other hormones. This helps us identify any imbalances contributing to unpleasant symptoms.

We also consider lifestyle factors, medical history and risk factors to develop custom treatment protocols using bioidentical hormones to restore hormone balance from within.

Our services

Take control of your menopause symptoms today!

Key Topic 1: Managing Hot Flashes

Hot flashes, also known as vasomotor symptoms, are commonly reported around perimenopause and menopause. They are characterized by sudden sensations of intense warmth in the face, neck and chest, which can cause flushing, sweating and rapid heartbeat.

Causes of Hot Flashes

Hot flashes occur due to shifting hormone levels. As estrogen declines, the brain's temperature regulatory center becomes more sensitive, causing blood vessels near the skin to dilate rapidly. This triggers flushing and sweating in response. Stress, spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol and warm environments can also trigger hot flashes.

Hot Flash Treatment Approaches

Hormone therapy is the most effective option for reducing hot flash frequency and severity. Estrogen therapy, sometimes combined with progesterone, helps stabilize temperature regulatory centers.

Lifestyle adjustments, such as wearing light layers, lowering room temperature, avoiding triggers, practicing stress management and staying active, can provide additional relief. Some women also find relief with SSRI antidepressants or specialized herbal supplements.

Key Topic 2: Vaginal Dryness and Atrophy

Many perimenopausal and postmenopausal women experience vaginal atrophy - thinning of vaginal tissue due to low estrogen levels. This often leads to uncomfortable symptoms like:

Restoring vaginal health is essential for sexual health and preventing long-term complications.

Causes of Vaginal Atrophy

With menopause, the ovaries stop producing most of the body's estrogen, which is important for maintaining thickness and lubrication of vaginal tissues. Low estrogen causes these tissues to become very thin and fragile, resulting in uncomfortable dryness symptoms that tend to worsen over time.

Treatment Options for Vaginal Dryness

The most effective treatments involve replacing estrogen directly at vaginal sites needing repair through suppositories, creams or an estrogen-releasing ring. This allows optimal restoration of tissue while limiting hormonal effects elsewhere.

Vaginal moisturizers and lubricants can provide some temporary relief but don't address the underlying tissue deterioration. Maintaining an active sex life and doing Kegel exercises may also help preserve vaginal elasticity.

Interesting fact

Acupuncture has emerged as an effective complementary therapy for managing troublesome menopause symptoms. Small studies show that regular acupuncture treatments can reduce hot flashes and night sweats, help improve sleep quality, and ease anxiety and depression—all without medication side effects. More research is exploring how it works to balance hormones and the nervous system.

Key Topic 3: Bone Loss Prevention

Osteoporosis affects over 10 million Americans - 80% being postmenopausal women with low bone density due to substantial bone loss following menopause. Weak, fragile bones increase susceptibility for fractures and long recovery times.

Optimizing Bone Health

Getting adequate calcium, vitamin D and regular weight-bearing exercise are foundations for building strong bones at any age.

However, these measures alone cannot prevent the rapid bone loss of menopause for most women. Studies confirm hormone therapy started in early menopause reduces bone loss and fracture risk long-term - especially when used for over 5 years.

Bone density screening at menopause allows monitoring bone health over time and use of medication interventions when helpful to strengthen bone.

Take action to manage menopause symptoms today!

Key Topic 4: Mood Changes and Depression

Women may be at greater risk for developing depressive disorders around perimenopause and menopause due to fluctuating hormones combined with sleep disruption, pain and other symptoms impacting daily life.

Hormone changes not only influence menstrual cycles and reproduction but also affect key brain chemicals like serotonin and norepinephrine regulating mood stability. Estrogen decline is associated with decreased serotonin activity contributing to anxiety, irritability and depression.

Hot flashes interrupting sleep and creating daily discomforts can exacerbate these challenges. In some cases, major depression occurs for the first time with menopause. Other women may experience a resurgence or worsening of pre-existing mood disorders.

Treatment Considerations for Mood Issues

Hormone therapy helps stabilize hormones and is proven effective for reducing hot flashes and improving sleep - both of which can lift mood. Certain antidepressants can also help when mood issues persist despite symptom relief.

Psychotherapy, stress reduction practices, adequate sleep and nutrition support overall emotional health. Identifying any thyroid issues or vitamin deficiencies contributing to mood changes is also key.

Key Topic 5: Weight Gain and Metabolic Impact

Menopause comes with changes to fat storage patterns and metabolic processes regulating weight, blood sugar and cholesterol. Many women notice unwanted weight gain in their midsection along with greater difficulties losing body fat starting in perimenopause.

Hormonal imbalance appears key - especially declining testosterone. Lean muscle mass and metabolic rate decrease. Research confirms menopause hormone therapy prevents central weight gain and rise in blood sugar when started before substantial weight gain occurs - unlike later in menopause.

Diet and Lifestyle Strategies for Weight Loss

Eating a healthy diet rich in plants and high-quality proteins while limiting refined carbohydrates and inflammatory oils supports maintaining a healthy weight. Staying active with cardio and strength training is equally important for building metabolism-boosting muscle and burning calories.

Managing stress, getting enough sleep and avoiding endocrine disrupting chemicals may also help mitigate menopause weight gain. Working with a nutritionist helps personalize plans.

The Balance Hormone Clinic Difference

Specialized Expertise in Menopause Care

Our clinic director, Dr. Jane Wells, is a national thought leader in menopause management and bioidentical hormone therapy. With two decades experience guiding thousands of women through the menopause transition, patients benefit from her sophisticated expertise in female endocrinology to find solutions.

Dr. Wells leads a compassionate team of nurses and clinicians well-versed in the latest science on safe, effective approaches to relieve symptoms and support long-term health after menopause. We address the whole woman – body and mind.

Personalized Treatment Protocols

We understand no two women have the exact same menopause experience or needs. After thorough lab testing and consultations assessing lifestyle and health factors, we develop customized non-synthetic hormone combinations and dosages specifically matched to your hormone deficiencies and sensitivities.

The latest hormone testing lets us monitor therapy effectiveness for ongoing adjustments so you consistently feel your best. We also provide nutritional support, prescribe proven medications as needed and coordinate care with other practitioners.

Convenience and Comfort

Our specialized menopause clinic provides comprehensive gynecologic, endocrinology and primary care services for women in one convenient place. We offer extended office hours, minimal wait times and video visits along with relaxing amenities for making vulnerable discussions comfortable. Let us develop a personalized plan addressing your specific symptoms and wellness goals.

Importance of Early Evaluation and Treatment

Getting a full hormone panel early in the menopause transition allows us to identify subtle shortfalls before deficiencies advance and result in disruptive effects. Precise hormone corrections can help stabilize cycles and mood while supporting energy, sexual health and weight management.

Early intervention preserves bone density and reduces later risks of osteoporosis significantly. Supporting cardiovascular and brain vitality with proper hormone balance may also lower risks for various diseases long-term. Timing does matter - we have the expertise to guide you.

Caring for Women through Every Phase

We support women throughout adulthood with compassionate care. Our specialized solutions can help you feel healthier during this transition and beyond.

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